Thursday, November 24, 2022

GOP Fascists

The Rachel Maddow "Ultra" podcast is about an astonishing and little known story about Nazi-collaborators in the US Congress, Congressmen and Senators that were knowing agents of the Nazis during WWII, and the failed efforts of the US justice department to bring these traitors to justice. They were mostly Republicans.

Part of her main thesis is that, reminiscent of our current problems bringing modern day traitors like trump to justice, is that the legal and justice system just isn't built to handle these sorts of cases, as weird and frustrating as that might be. 

She ties this story of Nazi collaborators in with the overall fascist movement in the US-- the American Firsters and Christian Nationalists, the racist fascist elements that have been around for ages and still keep popping up. It's all deeply disturbing.

Maddow ends the series on kind of an inspirational note, despite the many setbacks that occurred in bringing these terrible people to justice along the way. 

The stories told in the various episodes are really remarkable overall, with amazing parallels to our current batch of traitors. 

The bottom line is that it is the work of citizens, and the press, not the justice system, that keep these extremist elements in check and that voters do kick them out when they are properly educated about these scumbags. 

So it's work for all of us to keep our country from falling into complete fascism. And let's be clear, the modern GOP is as close to being blatantly fascist as they ever were.

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