Thursday, March 28, 2019

"The Amount of Time Trump Spends Tweeting Should Be a Scandal"

A Rude Pundit masterpiece:
A few days before Donald Trump's trashy inauguration in January 2017, I tweeted this: "So this is our life now? Awaiting tweeted proclamations each morning from the Orange King as to who has lost his favor? Fuck all of this." And it was one of those obvious statements that was tinged with the slightest bit of sardonic hope. 
It certainly seemed that we were damned to have to daily word turds shat straight from the anus of a brain of the Commander-in-Chief, but, goddamn, we could also think that surely the job of being president is so packed that he just won't have time for Twitter. It was a thin, ludicrous wish, but futile hope is one of the great and sad things about being human. 
So, ultimately, it wasn't a surprise that a guy who was an unrepentant motherfucker on Twitter before getting elected would continue to be both unrepentant and a motherfucker after getting elected. You don't go from talking about "the losers and haters" and accusing President Obama of being born in Africa to becoming generous and diplomatic just because you bumblefucked into the presidency. 
The content of the tweets, while enraging, idiotic, and threatening, just reflect who Trump is and who he always has been. A dick is a dick is a dick. 
But the excessive amount of tweeting Trump does is legitimately fucked up. However much you may despise him, he's the goddamn president. You'd think he might have important shit to do. 
Yet somehow, yesterday, on a Monday, allegedly a fucking workday, he tweeted 15 times. And if you go back a couple of days, as the New York Times points out, Trump tweeted 50 times between Friday morning and Sunday night. 
While, yes, we can include the caveat that Trump may not personally pound his tiny thumbs on his unsecured phone, he is either dictating or approving the tweets. Not only did he whine his usual litany of complaints, but he retweeted long segments from Fox "news" shows that defended him or blew him. He also directly criticized the weekend anchors on Fox. Think about that for a moment. 
The President of the United States has nothing better to do on a Sunday than watch a TV show he's hating so he can bitch about it. You know who's watching the Sunday afternoon of any news channel? People who are too lazy or sick to reach over the couch to get the remote and people who have to watch that shit for a living. Trump is showing that all he fucking does is watch Fox and, alarmingly, One America news, which is like what you get if an Alex Jones fucked a Breitbart. Every day. From morning until night. 
We got reporting that that's what he does, but he's demonstrating it through his tweets. Hell, just today, so far, again, in the middle of a workday, he's bitched about Kellyanne Conway's husband and "fake news," and he promised to "look into" alleged bias on social media. The number of tweets reveal, simply, that Trump isn't doing his job. 
While many of us knew this would be the case, why isn't this pissing off the very people who talk about lazy workers? Or the "takers"? The man gets a fucking salary (which, he claims, he gives away, but Trump and his awful family of cockfleas and ass polyps burn through a shit-ton of taxpayer cash for their travel and living expenses). 
Every working person should be demanding he put the fucking phone down and do what he was hired for. It's kind of amazing that every fucking day, we're not getting outraged commentary about how Trump doesn't do any actual work. That he just lurches from tweet to tweet, with Big Mac and Diet Coke breaks and golfing at his own golf courses breaking it up. 
Maybe they could take his picture-book intelligence briefings and make them dot-to-dot so that he has to draw to see what it is. "Oh, look, it's a nuclear missile! No one knows dot-to-dots like me!" he can yell while his staff members keep telling themselves that this is marginally better than death. Besides, you know this dumb orange motherfucker is constantly checking the likes and retweets, hoping to get a dopamine hit that will keep the demons of failure at bay for just a little while longer. 
For a contrast, I have a full-time job (and, sorry, losers and haters, I don't live in my Mom's basement and I don't like Cheetos). I tweeted 16 times yesterday, mostly during a one-hour period when I was watching Elizabeth Warren's town hall on CNN last night. Over the weekend, I tweeted just 20 times, still too much, but nothing compared to the goddamn president. 
That's because I spent time catching up on work, reading some things that make me just a little smarter, going to a concert, and getting into a vodka drink-off that I'm pretty sure ended in a three-way. In other words, I fucking lived. 
We never see Trump read, we never see him enjoy time with his family, we never see him doing any work other than sitting at his empty desk, we never see him do any exercise besides lumbering from a golf cart up to a ball, taking a swing, and wheezing back to the cart, his man tits resting on his stomach as he rolls, ape-like, to the next hole. 
He is disengaged with the world beyond his appetites. How he himself is being treated is everything. How we're being treated is next to nothing (and the only reason for "next to" is that, occasionally, he pretends to give a shit about someone who kisses his voluminous ass). Again, again, again, we knew all this about him. 
We fucking knew that he was lying when he said that he wouldn't even have time for golf. We knew that he was that sweet spot combination of a bully and a dullard, with a buffoonish cherry on top. We knew that he was going to be a total bastard because he's always been a total bastard. 
In fact, I'd venture to say that everyone knew it, but some of us put it aside because he was also racist, and they fucking loved that. Still, we have proof, every day, that he's not doing his fucking job. On Twitter, I had someone tell me that he has to defend himself because the media is so mean to him. No, I responded, that's the fucking job of his media team. His job is to be president. 
But I guess we've changed the job description from "Leader of the Free World" to "Sullen prick who yells at the TV for the amusement of idiots." The content of the tweets are a constant scandal. The effort he puts into them should be one, too. 
Make it into a campaign line: "Let's give Trump more time to tweet." I'd add, "Because fuck that lazy piece of shit into the ground," but I'm not running. 
(Note: Yes, I know his idiot horde loves him tweeting and he's just pleasing them. And, yes, you are so very smart to say that it's better he's ignoring his job when he could be fucking it up.)

Trump Complains He Wasn’t Thanked For Approving McCain Funeral

What an asshole-- a real POS POTUS.

Trump's Cruelty to Dead Americans

Sarah Kendzior:
"Trump has made so many horrific statements about Americans who died -- 
the Gold Star Khan family, LaDavid Johnson and his widow Myesha, and now Otto Warmbier and his family. Trump took the side of Kim Jong Un against a slain American."  
"You expect your president to be on your side, to grieve for you, to stand up for you against a foreign country. One of the biggest shifts in consciousness for Americans is knowing that Trump is not on our side." 
"Even if you're a supporter of Trump, even if you go to rallies and wear a MAGA hat, all he sees you as is a prop. He doesn't care if you live or die. He doesn't care if anyone besides himself lives or dies. He doesn't have those emotions"
"Trump has antipathy toward America. This is not a red state/blue state thing. This is not a Democrat/Republican thing. This is to some extent an American/anti-American thing. But above all it's a human thing, an existential threat." 

It's more than assholery, it's psychopathy.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Anti-Abortion Freak Tracks Immigrant Girls' Menstrual Cycles

Rachel Maddow exposed a real Trump handmaids tale with a document showing that Trump’s head of refugee resettlement, Scott Lloyd, was tracking the pregnancies of teenage refugees, who had been raped, to deny them access to requested abortions.
This is the federal government with your tax dollars keeping an individualized record of pregnant teenage girls menstrual cycles, whether they’ve had a positive pregnancy test, what the government knows about how they believe the girls got pregnant, how they believe this individual girl got pregnant and whether this girl has requested an abortion and then the last column, the last column is of course what the federal government is doing about it. And this record was being kept for the express purpose of subverting any of these girls’ ability to get an abortion. This was a spreadsheet designed to facilitate action to block these girls for getting an abortion they might want, given the circumstances described in these cold, hard spreadsheet cells. When you look through this 28-page document, it’s full of teenagers and some cases girls who aren’t teenagers who report being raped and being pregnant as a result. And here’s Scott Lloyd, compiling this information about these girls and using it so he can intervene as a government official to block each of these girls from getting the abortion they asked for. All along he was tracking how far along each girl he was, how long he could delay it, how much longer he had to keep blocking her from leaving the shelter until she would be forced to give birth, thanks to the U.S. Federal government. So this document has never been seen before. This is not the sort of thing we’re used to seeing, this the not the sort of thing we expect our government to be keeping tabs on in the modern era.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trump Says That Doctors “Execute Babies After Birth.”

Not only is it a total lie, it's a disgusting, cruel, outrageous, demagogic lie because Donald Trump is a flaming bag of shit asshole.

Scott Walker Compares Abortion To Taking A Baby Home And Killing It, Gets Applause

The annual Conservative Political Action Conference began Thursday with the former governor of Wisconsin doing what he does best: telling lies to an audience. As conservatives continue to pout about a failed bill that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy and could have put doctors performing it in jail for five years, Scott Walker appeared to compare having an abortion to taking a baby home from the hospital and killing it later.