Monday, November 16, 2020

President Gutter Swill Still Won't Concede

Trump, the Absolute Worst Loser 

He has spent his life gaming the system, so it’s no surprise that he can’t accept defeat. 
By Charles M. Blow 
Nov. 15, 2020


Donald Trump lost the election. He knows it. But he won’t admit it. He still hopes and believes that there is a way for the courts to erase enough votes to tip the election in his favor. 
This will not happen. His legal challenges in swing states across the country are largely being met with defeat and setback. In court, you have to provide evidence. Lies, accusations and conspiracy theory don’t cut it. Trump has spent his life gaming the system. It is unfathomable to him that this system can’t be gamed. 
In the end, Trump hopes to push his case to the Supreme Court, where he has seated three conservative justices. That is also not likely to be a winning strategy. Trump believes he can use the judiciary as a weapon against the American people. The judiciary is not likely to allow itself to be used. 
Barring that, he is committed to destroying faith in the electoral process itself. If he didn’t win, he insists he must have been cheated because, in his mind, failure is not a possibility. Like he has done for the entirety of his presidency, he is lying, concocting a narrative detached from reality. 
His Twitter feed since the election — he has made precious few appearances or official statements during this time — has been an unprecedented attack on election integrity and the voting franchise as a whole. He keeps complaining that the election was rigged, that it was stolen from him, that computer software switched millions of votes from him to Joe Biden. 
On Sunday, in reference to Biden, he tweeted: “He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!” (snip)
After Republicans lost in 2012, they produced an autopsy report designed to grow the party. With Trump, they threw that out and doubled down on being the party of white grievance. 
This year’s election and Trump’s reaction to it is not likely to produce an autopsy but induce a séance. The Republican Party is dead. Trump killed it. MAGA is dancing on the grave. The way to remember that party is in spirit.


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