Thursday, August 27, 2020

Trump will endanger American lives if it helps him get reelected

What an evil psychopath:

Before the first speech was delivered Thursday night, we could see what the message of the fourth and final night of the Republican National Convention would be. The scene told us all we need to know about President Trump, his Republican enablers and a mainstream media not up to the task of covering either. 

We are in the middle of a pandemic that has killed 177,000 Americans. Every rational medical expert on the planet, including those in Trump’s administration, has the same advice: Since we do not have a vaccine, wear masks and socially distance. Trump refuses. He invited 1,500 non-mask-wearing members of his cult and set out chairs on the South Lawn of the White House for them in close proximity to each other. (An unspecified number were tested.) 

He wants the false image of normalcy — the same thing he sought in his rally in Tulsa and could not get. He is more than willing to endanger those he invited — not to mention staff who come in contact with them — to make himself look more successful in addressing the pandemic and increase his chances of reelection. He tries to will the pandemic out of existence. And he prefers whatever political advantage he can wring out of his TV events over protecting the lives of Americans. You cannot get a better description of the essence of Trump. 

There was something else quite obvious about the setup of the event: Laws, norms and democracy are for suckers. The instruments of power, the taxpayers’ buildings, the public servants whose salaries are paid for by taxpayers and every power of incumbency can be used for his own selfish benefit. Trump, it seems, does not see himself as a temporary resident of the White House. It’s as if he would have us believe that he is the government — constitutional structures, legislative restraints, limited government and democracy be damned.  

He turns the White House into his own garish stage for a political event. He makes a mockery of the pardon power by incorporating it into a political convention. He lures immigrants — people whom he often insults — to a naturalization ceremony for a political stunt because he can and because no one will stop him. When he said Article II of the Constitution gives him the power to do whatever he wants, he was revealing his own narcissistic delusion and constitutional ignorance.

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