Sunday, February 2, 2020

GOP Assholes Rigged The Impeachment Trial

1. Senate leader Mitch McConnell improperly coordinated Trump's defense with White House House lawyers

2. Key Senators McConnell and Graham announced before the trial would start that they would vote to acquit Trump, violating their oath of impartiality

3. Trump wooed GOP Senators at Camp David, to get their vote-- improperly influencing the jury

4. Trump and his lawyers and allies gave donations to GOP Senators, to get their vote-- again improperly influencing the jury

5. Republicans refused to allow witnesses or evidence to be shown at the trial despite new revelations and evidence coming to light in the news. OUTRAGEOUS!

6. Trump's lawyer Pat Cipollone had direct knowledge of key events in the trial and didn't divulge, a clear ethical violation.

The GOP is AFRAID of the truth about Trump.

Trump's impeachment defense was nothing less than a giant middle finger to the rule of law and the US Constitution.

The Trump legal defense was crap because the whole thing was rigged by the GOP from the beginning.

Trump is clearly guilty and the GOP just wanted to cover it all up. A damn shame and a sham impeachment trial from GOP crooks.

Given how corrupt the process was at every level, the Dems should declare a mistrial.




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