Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Sliming of Ambassador Marie Yavonovitch

Opening Statement of Marie L. Yovanovitch to the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee onIntelligence, Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Committee onOversight and Reform 
For the last 33 years, it has been my great honor to serve the American people as a Foreign Service Officer, over six Administrations—four Republican, and two Democratic. I have served in seven different countries, five of them hardship posts, and was appointed to serve as an ambassador three times—twice by a Republican President, and once by a Democrat. Throughout my career, I have stayed true to the oath that Foreign Service Officers take and observe every day: “that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;” and “that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” Like all foreign service officers with whom I have been privileged to serve, I have understood that oath as a commitment to serve on a strictly nonpartisan basis, to advance the foreign policy determined by the incumbent President, and to work at all times to strengthen our national security and promote our national interests.
She goes on to explain her history and work in Ukraine and how she was slimed by the Trump administration, the worst most corrupt and treasonous POTUS ever.

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