Saturday, March 16, 2019

Anti-Abortion Freak Tracks Immigrant Girls' Menstrual Cycles

Rachel Maddow exposed a real Trump handmaids tale with a document showing that Trump’s head of refugee resettlement, Scott Lloyd, was tracking the pregnancies of teenage refugees, who had been raped, to deny them access to requested abortions.
This is the federal government with your tax dollars keeping an individualized record of pregnant teenage girls menstrual cycles, whether they’ve had a positive pregnancy test, what the government knows about how they believe the girls got pregnant, how they believe this individual girl got pregnant and whether this girl has requested an abortion and then the last column, the last column is of course what the federal government is doing about it. And this record was being kept for the express purpose of subverting any of these girls’ ability to get an abortion. This was a spreadsheet designed to facilitate action to block these girls for getting an abortion they might want, given the circumstances described in these cold, hard spreadsheet cells. When you look through this 28-page document, it’s full of teenagers and some cases girls who aren’t teenagers who report being raped and being pregnant as a result. And here’s Scott Lloyd, compiling this information about these girls and using it so he can intervene as a government official to block each of these girls from getting the abortion they asked for. All along he was tracking how far along each girl he was, how long he could delay it, how much longer he had to keep blocking her from leaving the shelter until she would be forced to give birth, thanks to the U.S. Federal government. So this document has never been seen before. This is not the sort of thing we’re used to seeing, this the not the sort of thing we expect our government to be keeping tabs on in the modern era.

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